Personalized hookin ain't easy tumbler
Personalized hookin ain't easy “No, you have it wrong. The lights on the walls. The orbs. Touch them. Cover them with your hands or a cloak. Quickly, Bhikhu! Cover the one behind you!” Paedrin thought the Preachán was daft. Cover the orb? But he remembered that the lights had illuminated the room as soon as he touched the ground. As fast as he could, he rushed to the nearest orb and smothered its light with his hands. The other two! Erasmus called. Annon! Hettie! Cover the other two! Hettie rushed across the room and used her cloak to smother the second one. The creature had turned from her and started across the room, but its movements slowed as the light faded. He gritted his teeth, waiting for a crushing blow to come at him. The room dimmed. The creature slowed and turned away from Paedrin, coming at Annon and Hettie. Click to Buy it: Personalized hookin ain't easy tumbler Mystrikingly Homepage: H omepage The Preachán came the rest of the way down. As soon as his boots touch...